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Brief Profiles of Countries, EMBs and Partner Organisations of A-WEB
sVeeP Develops synergy with Partners and col- Mainstreaming of Electoral Literacy: Includes ad-
laborators dressing voter education needs for new and fu-
Partners: SVEEP operate through partnerships ture voters through curricular and extracurricular
with Government Departments, Media Hous- interventions. The programme extends to those in
es, Corporates, and Civil Society Organizations the informal education channels, those deprived of
(CSOs), NGO’s, Educational Institutions, NYK, NSS going to schools and communities; urban voters
and Government organizations. through Voter Awareness Forums
Icons: ECI also partners with renowned individuals Electoral Literacy Clubs It is a platform to engage
and takes them as Ambassadors or Election Icons school students through interesting activities and
for effective message for electoral participation. hands-on experience to sensitise them on their
Celebrities are taken as Election Ambassadors and electoral rights and familiarise them with the elec-
Icons to reach out to a wider audience. They have toral process of registration and voting. ELCs are
played an important role in motivating the people also present in colleges and rural communities.
to associate with the electoral process.
social Media chunav Pathshala: Chunav Pathshala are platform
ECI forayed into social media in 2016, specifical- to engage the community members, mainly in ru-
ly for voter education. The experiment was slow- ral areas, through interesting activities and hands
ly scaled up and in January 2018, ECI formally on experience to sensitise them on their electoral
launched its official Facebook Page. A dedicated rights and familiarise them with the electoral pro-
Twitter handle of the spokesperson to give up- cess of registration and voting.
dates to media already existed but otherwise there
was no other presence on any other social media Chunav Pathshalas are ELCs specific to rural com-
platforms. Ahead of Lok Sabha Election, the Com- munities. Activities and Games are designed to
mission decided to launch the Twitter handle and stimulate and motivate members provoking them
Instagram page specifically for voter education to think and ask questions
and outreach.
Voter Awareness Forums: Voter Awareness Fo-
targeted Interventions rums (VAFs) are informal forums for generating
The decadal journey of SVEEP is characterized by discussions and awareness around the electoral
targeted interventions for different categories of process, on the how, what and where of registra-
voters to ensure coverage of the ECI’s premise ‘No tion & voting, through the medium of real-time ac-
Voter to be Left Behind’. Specific ‘Targeted Inter- tivities.
ventions’ of strategic design are developed and
implemented for Gender, PwD’s, Senior Citizens, Through VAFs in Government Departments, Gov-
Young and Future Voters, Service Personnel and ernment and Non-Government Organizations as
NRI’s etc.. well as in Corporates; the Election Commission of
India aims to spread voter awareness and facilitate
Accessible elections voter education.
ECI has focused programme for enhancing par-
ticipation of PwD’s through facilitation measures
for PwD’s and Senior Citizens. Braille print EPIC’s,
Braille print on EVM’s, Braille print Voter Guides,
User friendly Digital Apps, transport facility for poll-
ing, Postal Vote facility, Accessible polling stations
are special features. Postal Vote facility is provided
to senior citizens above 80 years of age.
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