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Brief Profiles of Countries, EMBs and Partner Organisations of A-WEB
lot System). Postal voting in India is done only under the banner of Systematic Voter education
through the “Electronically Transmitted Postal Bal- and Electoral Participation (SVEEP).
lot Papers (ETPB)” system of Election Commission
of India, where ballot papers are provided to the SVEEP operates by way of preparation of State Ac-
registered eligible voters and they return the votes tion Plans based on Base line surveys. Work starts
by post. When the counting of votes commenc- sufficiently in advance of elections as per the
es, these postal votes are counted first before the guidelines of the Commission. The State Plans are
counting of votes from the Electronic Voting Ma- approved by the Commission and implemented in
chines of all other voters. Only certain categories the run up to the elections. Coordination with the
of people are eligible to register as postal voters. Stakeholders and partners is an important feature
People working in the union armed forces and of SVEEP.
state police as well as their wives, and employ-
ees working for the Government of India who are components of sVeeP Programmes
officially posted abroad can register for the post- The essential components of the SVEEP program
al vote, these are also called the “Service voters”. are built around the principle of Information, Moti-
Additionally, people in preventive detention can use vation and Facilitation, every possible connect with
postal vote. Persons with Disability (PwD’s) and voters is utilized to address voter apathy, to give
them information and motivate them to vote. Fa-
senior citizens above the age of 80 are also given cilitation is extended in every possible manner to
the facility of Postal Voting.
make the process accessible, pleasant and mem-
9. Method of electoral Dispute resolution orable. EVM/VVPAT familiarization for elector con-
Aggrieved Parties can approach Judicial Courts as fidence has become an important area by using
per the Constitutional and Legislative Provisions mobile Vans for demonstration and hands on ex-
perience to cover all hamlets, booths and villages,
10. Voter Education system for different category of besides colleges and organizations.
voters: Best Practices
systematic Voters’ education & electoral Partici- national Multimedia Media campaign was or-
pation (sVeeP) is the Flagship Voter Education Pro- ganized by SVEEP Division of the ECI in addition
gramme of the ECI that reaches out to educate citi- to the normal voter education campaign during
zens through multi-media interventions to enhance General Election 2019 to strengthen voter connect
their awareness and participation in the electoral during election period.
process as per the premise of the Commission ‘No
Voter to be Left Behind’. It has promoted qualita- Ground Level connect
tive participation in terms of information, motiva- While Booth Level Officer is the last and the most
tion, facilitation to empower all categories of voters vital connect of ECI at ground level both, in rural
for accessible, inclusive and ethical voting. SVEEP and urban areas, it is the other government field
provides continuous voter education in a planned level workers like ASHA, Aanganwadi workers,
manner with help of partners and stakeholders and ‘Preraks’ of National Literacy Mission, who con-
by way of its inbuilt systematic mega campaigns. stitute effective partners in ECI’s connect with the
SVEEP, today, connects the elections and its pro- people in villages. Civil Society and NGOs help ECI
cesses with the 912 million voters of the country in reaching out to the niche audience. Volunteers
and provides critical support to the Commission in from organizations like NCC, NYKS, NSS, Bharat
conduct of free, fair, informed, inclusive, accessible, Scouts and Guides help facilitate voters and also
transparent and ethical elections in the country. help election officials in voter awareness. Mobili-
zation activities close to poll day help amplify the
The experimental beginning under the banner of message and multiply the reach. These are high
information, education and communication (IEC) visibility events like runs, human chains, compe-
interventions in 2009 for enhancing henceforth titions, rallies etc and are widely covered in media
stagnating voter turnout was formalized in 2010 and help raise interest and awareness.
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