P. 218

Brief Profiles of Countries, EMBs and Partner Organisations of A-WEB

                  3.  Nature of EMB                                      6.  Audit Trail
                      Independent                                            Not implemented

                  4.  No. of Members in EMB                              7.  Voting Process
                      3                                                      Voters cast their votes in the order they arrive.
                                                                             A voter’s identity and right to vote are checked
                  5.  Terms of office                                        through identity card. Each ballot paper is signed
                      5 years                                                on the back by the Board Members before it is
                                                                             handed over to the voter. A voter enters into a dark
                  6.  EMB Members selected by
                      Supreme Court                                          room to mark her/his preference on the ballot
                                                                             paper. After marking the choice, the voter returns
                  7.  Chairperson’s Appointing Authority                     to the table with folded ballot paper and delivers
                      EMB                                                    it to the President who signs at the back of the
                                                                             ballot. The voter’s cuticle of index finger of the
                  8.  Names of Elections conducted by EMB                    right hand is marked with ink. The voter drops the
                      Parliamentary election                                 ballot into a ballot box and the poll officer enters

                (B) ELECTORAL PROCESS                                        the word ‘vote’ against the voter’s name in the
                                                                             electoral register
                  1.  Total Population as on                             8.  Voter education
                      6.9 Million (Feb. 2019)

                  2.  Registered Electors as on
                      4.2 Million (June 2018)

                  3.  Method of voter registration
                      The voter register is generated in two ways: active
                      and passive. Active voter registration consists of
                      a person going personally to register. Citizens that

                     i)   reached 18 before 2012
                     ii)  had never voted before

                     iii)  were in possession of an ID card, had to actively
                        register with the TSJE electoral registry. Since
                        2012, passive voter registration consists that
                        citizens are automatically registered to vote by
                        extraction of data from the national civil registry
                        when reaching 18. The list of voters resulting
                        from passive registration is automatically
                        extracted from the national civil registry

                  4.  Voter turnout in last National Elections: Total,

                  5.  Voting Method
                      Manual marking of Ballots

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