P. 217
H.E. Jaime José BestardDuschek,
Chairperson, Supreme Electoral Tribunal
PArt i PArt ii
CoUNtrY ProfiLE LEgisLAtivE sYstEM
1. Country Name LEGISLATURE
1. Structure of National Legislature
2. Official Name Bicameral
Republic of Paraguay (República del Paraguay)
2. Names of the Houses in vernacular and English
3. Government The Chamber of Senators and the Chamber of
Presidential Republic
4. Head of the Government
President – Mario AbdoBenítez 3. Total no. of members in each house elected/
5. Head of the State Through closed-list proportional representation
President – Mario AbdoBenítez system, 45 members are elected in the Camara
de Senadores (Chamber of Senators) while
6. Capital 80 members are elected in multi-member
Asuncion constituencies in the Camara de Diputados
7. Currency (Chamber of Deputies).
Paraguayan guaraní
4. Popular House
8. Ethnic Groups (with %age population) Both the Camara de Senadores and the Camara
mestizo (mixed Spanish and Amerindian) 95%, de Diputados
other 5%
5. Type of Electoral System
9. Date of Independence and from which Country Proportional Representation
14-15 May 1811 (from Spain); note - the uprising
against Spanish authorities took place during PArt iii
the night of 14-15 May 1811 and both days are
celebrated in Paraguay ELECtorAL sYstEM
10. Date of adoption of Democratic Constitution (A) ELECTION MANAGEMENT BODy
20 June 1992
11. Language (s) 1. Name of the EMB(S)
Spanish (official) and Guarani (official) Supreme Electoral Tribunal
12. Literacy Levels 2. Website Address
**Draft. EMB has been requested to update the draft. Response awaited. SA-7 197
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