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Brief Profiles of Countries, EMBs and Partner Organisations of A-WEB

                            reason, it ceases to be open to the member             member of the House of Assembly; or
                            to appeal, he shall forthwith vacate his           (b)   any person has vacated his seat as
                                                                                   such a member or is required under the
                       (c)   If at any time before the member vacates              provisions of paragraph (a) of section
                            his seat such circum- stances as aforesaid             45(2) to cease to perform his functions as
                            cease to exist, his seat shall not become              such a member, shall be determined by
                            vacant on the expiration of the period                 such authority or authorities as may be
                            referred to in paragraph (a) and he may                prescribed by any law in force in Barbados.
                            resume the performance of his functions        47. (1) Whenever any person vacates his seat as a
                            as a member.                                       Senator for any reason other than a dissolution
                    46.  (1) Any question whether                              of Parliament, the Governor-General shall
                       (a)   any person has been validly appointed as a        appoint a person to fill the vacancy under
                            Senator; or                                        the same provisions of section 36 as the
                                                                               person whose seat has become vacant was
                       (b)   any person has vacated his seat as a              appointed. (2) Whenever any person vacates
                            Senator or is required under the provisions        his seat as a member of the House of Assembly
                            of paragraph (a) of section 39 (3) to cease        for any reason other than a dissolution of
                            to perform his functions as a Senator, shall       Parliament, the Governor-General shall issue
                            be determined by the High Court, whose             a writ for the election of a member to fill the
                            decision shall be final.                           vacancy returnable within ninety days from the

                    (2)  Any question whether                                  occurrence of the vacancy.
                       (a).   any person has been validly elected as a

                Voters at the Gordon Greenidge Primary School early this morning

                                               POLLS CLOSED! Officials leaving West Terrace
                                                       Primary School with the ballot boxes

                                                                NA-2  145

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