P. 163
Brief Profiles of Countries, EMBs and Partner Organisations of A-WEB
PArt iv 44. (1) No person shall be qualified to be elected as
a member of the House of Assembly who
sUPPLEMENtArY (a) is, by virtue of his own act, under any
iNforMAtioN acknowledgement of allegiance, obedience
or adherence to a foreign Power or State;
Electoral Law: (b) holds or is acting in the office of a
42. (1) The election of members to the House Judge, the Director of Public Prosecutions
of Assembly Electoral shall be conducted or the Auditor-General;
under the direction and supervision of the law. (c) repealed by 1981-24;
(d) is under sentence of death imposed by a
(2) Any law providing for the election of court in any part of the Commonwealth
members of the 1y8~-16. House of Assembly or is serving a sentence of imprisonment
shall in particular (by whatever name called) exceeding six
(a) contain provisions for the division months imposed on him by such a court
of Barbados into Constituencies in or substituted by competent authority for
accordance with any report submitted some other sentence imposed on him by
under section 41D; such a court, or is under such a sentence
of imprisonment the execution of which
(b) contain provisions designed to ensure that has been suspended,
as far as practicable any person qualified
to vote at an election of members of the (e) is a person certified to be insane or
House of Assembly, has a reasonable otherwise adjudged to be of unsound mind
opportunity of voting; under any law in force in Barbados;
(c) contain provisions relating to the conduct (f) has been adjudged or otherwise declared
of elections of members of the House of bankrupt under any law in force in
Assembly including provisions relating to Barbados and has not been discharged;
the identification of electors designed to (g) is disqualified for membership of the
ensure that as far as practicable no person House of Assembly by or under any law in
shall vote at an election of a member of the force in Barbados by reason of his having
House of Assembly (9 who is not entitled to been convicted or reported guilty of any
vote, corrupt or illegal practice at elections;
(ii) when he is not entitled to vote, or (h) is disqualified for such membership by
(iii) where he is not entitled to vote; and or under any such law by reason of his
having been convicted of making a false
(d) contain provisions pemlitting or restricting declaration of qualification for election;
political broadcasts and the allocation of
broadcasting time to political parties. (i) is disqualified for such membership by
or under any such law on any ground not
43. Subject to the provisions of section 44, any mentioned in the foregoing provisions
person who of this subsection, being a ground for
(a) is a citizen of Barbados of the age of disqualification for membership of the
twenty-one years or membership upwards; House of Assembly by or under any law,
and other than the Representation of the
(b) has such connection with Barbados by People Act 195731 in force in Barbados
residence therein as may be prescribed by immediately before 30th November 1966.
Parliament, shall be qualified to be elected (2) Without prejudice to the provisions of
as a member of the House of Assembly. subsection (1) (b), Parliament may provide that,
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