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Brief Profiles of Countries, EMBs and Partner Organisations of A-WEB

                  4.  No. of Members in EMB                              7.  Voting Process
                      It is composed of three presiding justices and six     Citizens who are 18 years of age and above are
                      alternate justices appointed by the Supreme Court      entitled to vote. The TSE automatically produces
                      of Justice and elected by the vote of at least two-    the list of voters and puts it outside the voting
                      thirds of its totalmembers.                            board at corresponding polling stations. From
                                                                             there, voters have to look for their names and
                  5.  Terms of office                                        check their respective voter’s number. Upon
                      6 years                                                entering the voting board, the                       voter
                                                                             is required to submit relevant documents and
                  6.  EMB Members selected by                                communicate the voter’s number to the polling
                      Supreme Court of Justice
                                                                             officials. They then have to sign in an appropriate
                  7.  Chairperson’s Appointing Authority                     register and move towards the secret ballot.
                      EMB                                                    Voters then have to mark their choices on a
                                                                             ballot paper and place it in a ballot box. There are
                  8.  Names of Elections conducted by EMB                    facilities for voters with disabilities.
                      Presidential elections                           (C) ELECTION CALENDAR
                      Parliamentary elections
                                                                         1.  Last Election Dates
                  9.  Names of the Other Bodies Related with the             General elections were held in Costa Rica in
                    Electoral Process                                        2018 to elect both the President and Legislative
                     a)  The TSE.
                     b)  The Electoral Registry.
                                                                             February 4, 2018 (first round)
                     c)  The Civil Registry.
                                                                             April 1, 2018 (second round)
                     d)  The Electoral Boards.
                10. Titles of Electoral Legislation(s)                   2.  Future Election Date
                      ELECTORAL ACT                                          In 2022
                      Law No. 8765
                                                                         3.  Compulsory Voting
                (B) ELECTORAL PROCESS                                        Yes

                  1.  Total Population as on
                      4.9 Million (Feb. 2019)

                  2.  Registered Electors as on
                      3.3 Million (May 2018)

                  3.  Name of the Document viz Electoral Photo
                    Identity Card
                      Identity Card

                  4.  Voter turnout in last National Elections

                  5.  Voting Method
                      Manual marking of Ballots

                  6.  Audit Trail
                      Not implemented                                  The “your vote is secret” box

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