P. 143

Brief Profiles of Countries, EMBs and Partner Organisations of A-WEB

                PArt iii                                                 5. Voting Method
                                                                             Manual marking of Ballots
                  ELECtorAL sYstEM
                                                                         6. Voting Process
                (A) ELECTION MANAGEMENT BODy                                 At the polling station, a voter has to carry an elector
                                                                             card and her/his identity is verified and registered
                  1. Name of the EMB(S)                                      in the voter list. A ballot is provided and the voter
                      Commission Electorale  Nationale  Independan-          goes into a polling booth, marks her/his choice and
                      te-CENI (Independent National Electoral Commis-        folds the ballot. The President of the polling station
                      sion)                                                  checks and declares that the voter has only one
                                                                             ballot paper. The voter drops the ballot into a ballot
                  2. Website Address                                         box and puts her/his finger into a vial which con-
                                                    tains indelible ink.

                  3. Nature of EMB
                      Independent                                      (C) ELECTION CALENDAR

                  4. No. of Members in EMB                               1. Last Elections Dates
                      17                                                     20 December 2018

                  5. Terms of office                                     2. Future Election Calendar
                      1 year, Renewable                                      2023
                  6. EMB Members selected by                             3. Are there any fixed election days/dates
                      Legislature                                            No

                  7. Chairperson’s Appointing Authority                  4. Compulsory Voting
                      Council of Ministers
                  8. Names of Elections conducted by EMB               PArt iv
                      Presidential, Local Elections
                  9. Titles of Electoral Legislation(s)                 iNforMAtioN
                      Law 2012-002 of 29 May 2012
                (B) ELECTORAL PROCESS                                    1. Number of polling stations

                                                                             9,389 polling stations in 4,445 voting centers
                  1. Total Population
                      Total:  8.2 Million (Oct., 2019)                   2. Number of registered voters
                      Male: 4.1 Million     Female: 4.1 Million              3,614,056 (86.6% of potential voter population)

                  2. Registered Electors                                 3. Opening and closing time of polling stations
                      3.6 Million (Dec., 2018)                               Opening: 7 am
                                                                             Closing: 4 pm
                  3. Method of voter registration
                      Biometric Voter Registration

                  4. Name of the Document viz Electoral Photo Identity
                      Voter Identification Card

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