P. 139

Brief Profiles of Countries, EMBs and Partner Organisations of A-WEB

                         Tanzania Mainland and 50 from Tanzania Zan-     7. Chairperson’s Appointing Authority
                         zibar;                                              President
                     (ii)  Five  (5)  Members  of  Parliament  elected  by     8. Names of Elections conducted by EMB
                         the House of Representatives (Zanzibar) from        Presidential, Legislative Councillors
                         among its members;
                                                                         9. Names of the Other Bodies Related with the
                     (iii)   Not more than 10 Members of Parliament ap-
                         pointed by the President;                         Electoral Process in the country at National Level
                                                                           with names of the Heads
                     (iv)   The Attorney General; and                        National Electoral Commission (NEC) is responsi-

                     (v)   The  Speaker,  if  he/she  is  not  elected  from   ble for constituency delimitation, voter registration,
                         amongst the Members of the Parliament.              conduct of elections and publication of results; Di-
                                                                             rector of Elections is the executive arm of the NEC.
                     (vi)   Special Seats for Women Members of Parlia-
                         ment  obtained  through  Proportional  Repre-       Zanzibar Electoral Commission (ZEC) is responsi-
                         sentation 113.                                      ble for constituency delimitation, voter registration,
                  4. Popular House                                           conduct of elections and publication of results and
                      Bunge                                                  is assisted by a Director of Elections.

                  5. Type of Electoral System                          10. Titles of Electoral Legislation(s)
                      Plurality, whereby a candidate who obtains a high-     National Elections Act, Cap. 343
                      er  number  of  valid  votes  compared  to  any  other
                      Candidate is declared as the Winner and Propor-        Local Authorities (Elections) Act, Cap. 292
                      tional used to obtain Members of Parliament and   (B) ELECTORAL PROCESS
                      Councillors Women Special Seats, FPTP in Zanzi-
                      bar Electoral Commission                           1. Total Population
                                                                             Total: 55.9 Million
                PArt iii                                                     Male: 27.4 Million         Female: 28.5 Million ( 2019)
                  ELECtorAL sYstEM
                                                                         2. Registered Electors
                                                                             Total: 23.1 Million (Oct., 2015)
                (A) ELECTION MANAGEMENT BODy
                                                                         3. Name of the Document viz Electoral Photo
                  1. Name of the EMB(S)                                    Identity Card
                      National  Electoral  Commission-NEC  Zanzibar          Voters’ Card
                      Electoral Commission-ZEC
                                                                         4. Voter turnout in last National Elections
                  2. Website Address                                         67.34%
                                                                         5. Voting Method
                  3. Nature of EMB                                           Manual marking of Ballots
                                                                         6. Voting Process
                  4. No. of Members in EMB                                   The  voter  enters  a  polling  station  and  submits
                      7                                                      her/his Voter ID card to the Presiding Officer. The
                                                                             Presiding officer reads the voter’s name loudly so
                  5. Terms of office                                         that observers and party agents can hear it clearly.
                      5 Years
                                                                             The Presiding officer gives three ballot papers to
                  6. EMB Members selected by                                 the voter, i.e. for voting for President, Member of
                      President                                              Parliament and Councilor, and demonstrates how
                                                                             to fold the ballot after casting the vote. The vot-

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