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  1. From the album: International Webinar on Enhancing Electoral Participation

    Election Commission of India hosted International Webinar on “Enhancing Electoral Participation of Women, PwDs & Senior Citizens: Sharing Best Practices & New Initiatives” on 26th November 2021 at New Delhi. The webinar marked the completion of 2 years of the Chairmanship of the A-WEB.
  2. From the album: International Webinar on Enhancing Electoral Participation

    Election Commission of India hosted International Webinar on “Enhancing Electoral Participation of Women, PwDs & Senior Citizens: Sharing Best Practices & New Initiatives” on 26th November 2021 at New Delhi. The webinar marked the completion of 2 years of the Chairmanship of the A-WEB.
  3. From the album: International Webinar on Enhancing Electoral Participation

    Election Commission of India hosted International Webinar on “Enhancing Electoral Participation of Women, PwDs & Senior Citizens: Sharing Best Practices & New Initiatives” on 26th November 2021 at New Delhi. The webinar marked the completion of 2 years of the Chairmanship of the A-WEB.
  4. From the album: International Webinar on Enhancing Electoral Participation

    Election Commission of India hosted International Webinar on “Enhancing Electoral Participation of Women, PwDs & Senior Citizens: Sharing Best Practices & New Initiatives” on 26th November 2021 at New Delhi. The webinar marked the completion of 2 years of the Chairmanship of the A-WEB.
  5. From the album: International Webinar on Enhancing Electoral Participation

    Election Commission of India hosted International Webinar on “Enhancing Electoral Participation of Women, PwDs & Senior Citizens: Sharing Best Practices & New Initiatives” on 26th November 2021 at New Delhi. The webinar marked the completion of 2 years of the Chairmanship of the A-WEB.
  6. From the album: International Webinar on Enhancing Electoral Participation

    Election Commission of India hosted International Webinar on “Enhancing Electoral Participation of Women, PwDs & Senior Citizens: Sharing Best Practices & New Initiatives” on 26th November 2021 at New Delhi. The webinar marked the completion of 2 years of the Chairmanship of the A-WEB.
  7. From the album: International Webinar on Enhancing Electoral Participation

    Election Commission of India hosted International Webinar on “Enhancing Electoral Participation of Women, PwDs & Senior Citizens: Sharing Best Practices & New Initiatives” on 26th November 2021 at New Delhi. The webinar marked the completion of 2 years of the Chairmanship of the A-WEB.
  8. 356 downloads

    A-WEB India Journal of Elections Volume I Issue No 1 Volume I Issue No 1 October 2021-March 2022 www.eci.gov.in http://indiaawebcentre.org/ Copyright © ECI All rights reserved with the Election Commission of India. The content of this document cannot be used without the valid approval from the publisher or the original publisher Registered with the Registrar of Newspapers of India under Regd. No. DELENG/2021/80689
  9. 164 downloads

    Initiatives of the A-WEB Community in Enhancing the Participation of Women, Persons with Disabilities and Senior Citizen Published in 2021 by the India A-WEB Centre, Election Commission of India, Nirvachan Sadan, Ashoka Road, New Delhi 110001 www.eci.gov.in http://indiaawebcentre.org Text Copyright Election Commission of India
  10. 16 downloads

    Women’s participation in elections: the Brazilian experience - Luiz de Andrade Filho Embassy of Brazil in New Delhi on behalf of Brazil’s Superior Electoral Court
  11. 21 downloads

    Enhancing Electoral Participation of Women, Persons with Disabilities and Senior Citizens: Sharing Best Practices and New Initiatives Challenges and opportunities for inclusion of persons with disabilities in Sri Lanka
  12. 14 downloads

    Enhancing Electoral Participation of Women, Persons with disabilities and Senior Citizens - 26 November 2021 - M. I. Abdool Rahman Electoral Commissioner
  13. 15 downloads

    Electoral participation: women persons with disabilities senior citizens Peter Wardle UK Electoral Commission, 2005-2015 Adviser, Cambridge Conference on Electoral Democracy
  14. 17 downloads

  15. 8 downloads

    Election Management in Response to COVID-19 and the 21st National Assembly Elections in the Republic of Korea
  16. 9 downloads

    Enhancing Electoral Participation of Persons with Disabilities (PWDs): Sharing Best Practices and New Initiatives of Permanent Electoral Authority of Romania
  17. 9 downloads

    Electoral Participation of Women, Persons with Disabilities and New Immigrants in Taiwan Dr. Chao-Chi Lin Commissioner Central Election Commission, Taiwan, ROC
  18. 12 downloads

    Country Paper for International Webinar on “Enhancing Electoral Participation of Women, Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) and Senior Citizens” (26th November 2021) Prepared by: Mr. TOUCH Socheara Director of Training and Voter Education Department
  19. 76 downloads

    International Webinar on “Enhancing Electoral Participation of Women, Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) and Senior Citizens: Sharing Best Practices and New Initiatives.” Organized by the Election Commission of India and the India A-WEB Centre New Delhi, India 26 November 2021 Presented by: Kezang Wangdi, Planning Officer, Policy and Planning Coordination Division (PPCD)
  20. 22 downloads

    Ways to Improve the Voting Convenience of Voters with Disabilities - Seung Ryeol Kim Advisor to Secretary General Association of World Election Bodies(A-WEB)
  21. 70 downloads

    Enhancing Electoral Participation of Women, Person with Disabilities (PwDs) and Senior Citizens: Sharing Best Practices and New Initiatives - Presentation from the Electoral Commission of South Africa - Presented by: Ms Janet Love, Vice Chairperson of Electoral Commission - Date: 26 November 2021
  22. 70 downloads

    International Webinar on ‘Enhancing electoral participation of Women, Persons with Disabilities (PwDs) & Senior citizen Voters : Sharing Best Practices and New Initiatives’ Friday, 26th November 2021 (Venue: Ball Room, Hyatt Regency Hotel, New Delhi) PROGRAMME Inaugural Session 1100-1105 hrs. Welcome by Mr. Umesh Sinha, Secretary General, ECI and Sr. Adviser and Head, India A-WEB Centre 1105 –1115 hrs. *Remarks by Mr. Jonghyun Choe, Secretary General, Association of World Election Bodies (A-WEB) – (*Recorded Video) 1115–1130 hrs. Keynote Address by Mr. Sushil Chandra, Hon’ble Chief Election Commissioner of India & Chairperson, A-WEB 1130-1140 hrs Release of the following Publications of India A-WEB Centre : - October 2021 issue of A-WEB India Journal of Elections - October 2021 issue of ‘VoICE International’ Magazine - Publication on ‘ Participation of Women, Persons with Disabilities and senior citizen voters in Elections’ 1140-1150 hrs Release of International Video presentation on facilitation and participation of Women, PwDs and senior citizens in elections Technical Session I Co-Chairs : H.E. Mr. Mohammad Irfan Abdool Rahman, Electoral Commissioner of Mauritius H.E. Mr. K.M.Nurul Huda Chief Election Commissioner of Bangladesh Mr. Sushil Chandra Hon’ble Chief Election Commissioner of India Time (hrs) - IST Presentation by 1150 -1205 Opening remarks by Co-Chairs 1205-1220 H.E. Mr. Mohammad Irfan Abdool Rahman, Electoral Commissioner of Mauritius 1220-1235 Dr. Seung Ryeol Kim, Adviser to SG, A-WEB Sectt. 1235-1250 Mr. Ion Mincu-Radulescu, Permanent Rep. of PEA of Romania to A-WEB 1250-1305 Ms. Gina Lee, Official from NEC of the Republic of Korea 1305-1320 Closing remarks by Co-Chairs LUNCH : 1320 – 1430 hrs. Technical Session II Co-Chairs : H.E. Mr. Dasho Ugyen Chewang, Commissioner, Election Commission of Bhutan Mr. Rajiv Kumar Hon’ble Election Commissioner of India Time (hrs) - IST Presentation by 1430 - 1440 Opening remarks by Co-Chairs 1440 - 1455 H.E. Ms. Chao-Chi Lin, Commissioner, CEC of Taiwan 1455 -1510 Ms. Lasanthi Daskon, Dy. Country Director, IFES-Sri Lanka 1510 - 1525 Ms. Esmeralda Amora-Ladra, Director, Commission on Elections, Manila 1525 -1540 Mr. Touch Socheara, Director of Training, NEC of Cambodia 1540-1555 Closing remarks by Co-Chairs and Q & A session Technical Session III Co-Chairs : H.E. Mr. M.M.Mohamad Member, Election Commission of Sri Lanka Mr. Anup Chandra Pandey Hon’ble Election Commissioner of India Time (hrs)- IST Presentation by 1555-1605 Opening Remarks by Co-Chairs 1605 - 1620 H.E. Ms. Janet Love, Vice Chairperson EC of South Africa 1620 - 1635 Mr. Kezang Wangdi, Planning Officer, EC of Bhutan 1635 - 1650 Mr. Umesh Sinha, Secretary General, Election Commission of India 1650 - 1705 Mr. Luiz de Andrade Filho, Secretary, Embassy of Brazil on behalf of TSE of Brazil 1705 -1720 Closing remarks by Co-Chairs Closing Session 1720-1730 hrs. Remarks by Mr. Peter Wardle, Adviser, Cambridge Conference on Electoral Democracy, Malaysian Commonwealth Studies Centre 1730-1740 hrs. Remarks by Mr. Peter Erben, Principal Adviser, International Foundation of Electoral Systems (IFES) 1740-1750 hrs. Remarks by H.E. Dr. Nomsa Masuku, Commissioner Electoral Commission of South Africa on behalf of Chairperson, EC South Africa and Vice-Chairperson of A-WEB 1750 - 1800 hrs. Closing remarks by Mr. Sushil Chandra, Hon’ble Chief Election Commissioner of India & Chairperson, A-WEB 1800-1805 hrs. Vote of Thanks by Ms. Mona Sreenivas, Director, ECI
  23. 332 downloads

    "The Journal consists of the goodwill messages from the Heads of Election Management Bodies and highlights the research papers, articles, book reviews, etc. from eminent writers and experts and also includes peer reviewed contributions from across the democracies of the world in the area of Elections and Electoral Democracy. The A-WEB India Journal of Elections (AWI-JoE) is a copyrighted material. Therefore, prior permission of the publisher i.e. the Election Commission of India shall be required before reproduction, distribution or transmission of any content of the Journal in any form or by any means except in the case of references and brief quotations embodied in the reviews. "
  24. 187 downloads

    This issue of Voice international brings to you a very rich experience from different countries such as Argentina, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Fiji, India, Lesotho, Malawi, Moldova and other countries. Features Argentina Electoral Challenges in the times of Pandemic Belarus Belarus holds Elections during the Pandemic Bosnia and Herzegovina Strategies for Managing Elections amidst Pandemic Croatia Elections in the times of Pandemic Croatian Experience Fiji Managing Elections amidst Pandemic: Fijian Experience India Redefining Election Management amidst Pandemic: Indian Experience Lesotho Strategies for Managing Elections in Pandemic Malawi Malawi goes for Presidential Elections amidst Pandemic Moldova Training of Electoral Officials in Moldova amidst Pandemic International IDEA Chronological Analysis of COVID-19 on Elections IFES Preserving Electoral Integrity during an Infodemic Inclusion & Meaningful Participation amidst COVID-19 Legal Considerations when Delaying or Adapting Elections Election Considerations in Pacific during an Infodemic Safeguarding Health Elections amidst COVID-19 Global Perspective International Experiences in Conducting Elections during COVID-19 Insights Risk Mitigation measures for National Elections during COVID-19 Communication Guidelines for EMBs during COVID-19 Co-operation with Civil Society during the Pandemic Lessons from Elections during COVID-19: Republic of Poland Endeavours Educating Youth via Winter School in Georgia NEC shares Election Disinfection Experience with Kyrgyz Republic Malawi holds BRIDGE Course for New Commissioners IIIDEM conducts training amidst the ‘new normal’ in Pandemic Webinars Sharing Experienes on Issues, Challenges and Protocols for Conducting Elections during COVID-19 Poll Station Management during a Pandemic How can EMBs Manage Turnout during a Pandemic? Strategies for International and Domestic Election Observation in Asia during COVID-19 Global Election Updates International IDEA’s Global Monitor tracks impact of COVID-19 Guidelines for Electoral Activities during COVID-19 Parliamentary Elections held in Kyrgyz Republic Dominican Republic conducts Extraordinary General Elections Mongolia Conducts Parliamentary Elections ECI hosts International Election Visitors Programme Cambodia launches online name search service for voters Rapid response protects Serbian Voters in National Elections Publications VoICE International launches Volume IV Issue I Report on COVID-19 & Democracy Calls for urgent measures My Vote Matters Vol II Issue 1 released Indigenous Peoples’ Rights In Constitutions Assessment Tool Maintaining Safety and Trust in Elections during the Pandemic IDEA-Parliaments and Crisis: Challenges and Innovations Political Parties during Lockdown and Social Distancing Glossary & Quiz
  25. 772 downloads

    A-WEB India Journal of Elections Volume II Issue No 2 (October 2022-March 2023) Published in 2022 by the India A-WEB Centre Election Commission of India, Nirvachan Sadan Ashoka Road, New Delhi 110001 www.eci.gov.in https://indiaawebcentre.org/ Copyright © ECI All rights reserved with the Election Commission of India. The content of this document cannot be used without the valid approval from the publisher. (Title of the Journal has been verified by the RNI, Govt. Of India vide their letter No. 1357020, dated 21.8.2020 with Title Code DELENG19783)

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