P. 405

Brief Profiles of Countries, EMB’s and Partner Organisations of A-WEB

                                                                                                   (AnnexURe 2)

                                     eLectoRAL sYsteMs oF A-WeB MeMBeR coUntRIes

                 S.    Country      Body             System                   Seats per District  Total seats  Threshold

                                                     Modified Two-round system
                                    President        (winner with 50% of votes or 40%
                                                     and a 10% lead over the second)
                 12    Bolivia
                                    Chamber of Deputies  plurality vote       1 / 5-29          77         3%
                                                     Closed-list Proportional
                                    Senate                                    4                 36
                                                                                                3 (one each
                                    Presidency of Bosnia   FPTP               1                 of the three
                       Bosnia and   and Herzegovina                                             major ethnic
                 13                                                                             groups)
                                    House of
                                    Representatives  Party list PR: Sainte-Laguë method  14, 28  42
                                    President        Two-round system
                                                     Party list PR: Open lists: D’Hondt
                                    Chamber of Deputies                       8–70              513        1 Hare quota
                 14    Brazil                        method
                                                                              1 or 2 (alternates each
                                    Senate           Plurality Vote                             81
                                    President        PR                                         240
                 15    Bulgaria                      Party list PR: Closed lists: D’Hondt
                                    National Assembly                         4–14              240        4%
                                    President        Two-round system
                 16    Burkina Faso  National Assembly of   Party list PR: Largest
                                    Burkina Faso     remainder (Hare quota)   2-16              127
                                                     directly elected by universal
                                    President        suffrage with absolute majority for        1
                                                     7 year term, once renewable
                 17    Burundi
                                                     proportional representation from
                                    National Assembly  closed multi-ethnic party lists from   4–11  118    2%
                                                     each province
                 18    Cambodia     National Assembly  PR: D’Hondt method     1-18              125
                                    President        single-round majority ballot
                                                     coexistence: FPTP in single-
                                                     member constituencies; in
                 19    Cameroon                      multi-member constituencies:
                                    National Assembly  party with over 50% of vote gets   1–7   180        5%
                                                     all seats, otherwise highest party
                                                     gets half, rest distributed by Largest
                                                     remainder (Hare quota)
                 20    Canada       House of Commons  FPTP                    1                 338
                                    President        Two-round system
                                    Chamber of
                 21    Colombia                      Party list PR: D’Hondt method  2–18        171
                                    Senate           Party list PR: D’Hondt method  100 + 2 (indigenous)  108


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