Page 3 - Conducting Elections during COVID-19
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Advisory Board

                                                          l Chairperson:  Sh  Sunil  Arora,  Hon’ble  Chief  Elec on
                                                            Commissioner of India
                                                          l Members: Select CECs/ECs/Former CECs/ECs/Heads and
                                                            Members of Interna onal Organiza ons, Senior Elec on
                                                            Experts/Academicians etc. from A-WEB countries.

                                                          Execu ve Board

                                                          l Head: Umesh Sinha, Senior Advisor, India A-WEB Centre
                                                          l Members: Select officials of ECI/Consultants/Experts

        A-WEB India Journal of                            Editorial Board

        Elec ons                                          l The Editorial Board shall consist of eminent experts,

                                                            academicians and prac  oners in the field of electoral
        Realiza on of the underlying philosophy of the A-WEB   studies.
        vision  and  mission  envisages,  inter  alia,  in-depth   l Chief Editor and Editors shall be Interna onal domain
        examina on of the contemporary issues and challenges   experts  selected  from  various  EMBs,  interna onal
        faced  by  the  EMBs  in  the  en re  gamut  of  electoral   organisa ons,  and  academic  ins tu ons  in  various
        processes  and  connected  areas.  In  this  context,   aspects of electoral processes and policy.
        'Documenta on and Research' as aims of the Centre;
        and publica on of a journal as one of the main objec ves   Main Areas of Publica on
        of the India Centre are both, significant components the
        'Conceptual  Framework  and  Strategic  Ac on  Plan   The ‘A-WEB India Journal of Elec ons’ is envisaged to aim
        2020-24'. In this background, India A-WEB Centre, ECI in   at the highest interna onal standards and shall include
        consulta on with A-WEB, has decided to start a  periodic   peer reviewed contributory papers from the members of
        journal  tled 'A-WEB India Journal of Elec ons.   the A-WEB community. Research papers especially on
                                                          contemporary  issues  and  challenges  before  A-WEB
                                                          Members are invited from Experts, Partner Organiza ons
                                                          and  Ins tu ons  of  excellence  for  publica on  in  the
                                                          inaugural Issue of the Journal. The Journal is envisaged to
                                                          cover following areas as it evolves.

                                                          l Electoral Studies
                                                          l Elec on Planning
                                                          l Electoral Roll, Voter Registra on
                                                          l Inclusion: with special focus on Gender, PwDs, Senior
                                                            Ci zens,
                                                          l Marginalized communi es, NRI’s and Service Personnel
                                                          l Electoral Reforms, Electoral Law
                                                          l Electoral Technology

                                                          l Voter Educa on
                                                          l Media, Social Media and Communica on
                                                          l Elec on Observa on, Codes of Conduct

                                                          l Electoral Representa on
                                                          l Polling Sta on Management
                                                          l Regula on of Poli cal Finance, Elec on Expenditure
                                                          l Any other subject, if required
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