Page 2 - Conducting Elections during COVID-19
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India A-WEB Centre -
Aims and Objects
Conceptual Framework and the Strategic Ac on Plan
2020-24 of the Centre was released on 24 January, 2020
on the eve of Interna onal Conference on ‘Strengthening
Ins tu onal Capacity’ at New Delhi. The website of the
Centre was also launched on this occasion.
A-WEB <>
The Centre aims to become a global ‘Knowledge Resource
The Associa on of World Elec on Bodies (A-WEB) is a hub Centre’ for world class ‘Documenta on, Research and
for communica on among Elec on Management Bodies Training’ in pursuit of suppor ng free, fair, inclusive,
(EMBs) of different countries. A-WEB was founded on the accessible, efficient, transparent and credible elec ons
shared vision among its members of achieving sustainable and strengthening Electoral Democracy. One of the
democracy around the world through strengthening of important objectives of the Centre relates to se ng up of
the basics of elec on management in each country. With publica on of Journal on Electoral Systems of the world.
115 EMBs from 106 countries as its members and 16
interna onal ins tu ons as its partners as on date, A-WEB
is commi ed to promo ng free, fair, transparent, and
par cipatory elec ons in the world.
India A-WEB Centre
The 4 General Assembly of the A-WEB was held on 3
September, 2019 wherein Hon'ble Chief Elec on
Commissioner of India took over as the Chairperson of A-
WEB. The event marks ECI's significant role in global
leadership in the field of electoral prac ces and
knowledge sharing especially in the background of
elec on management in the largest democracy of the
world in a peaceful and perfect manner.
The Execu ve Board of the A-WEB, in its Extraordinary
Execu ve Board Mee ng on 2ⁿ September, 2019,
approved establishing an A-WEB Centre in New Delhi and
the appointment of Mr Umesh Sinha, Secretary General,
ECI as Senior Adviser for the aforesaid A-WEB Centre.