P. 43
Brief Profiles of Countries, EMBs and Partner Organisations of A-WEB
lute majority (second round follow after 15 days of 11. Results are compiled in district by district coor-
first round) dinators.
National Assembly: members elected by direct 12. The documents with results are placed in enve-
popular vote in multi-member constituencies us- lopes sealed with real wax and copies of the min-
ing the party-list proportional representation sys- utes for results are given to party agents.
tem (24 multi-member constituencies, 2 per 12 13. The sealed envelopes are forwarded to the
departments) chief town of the district.
Local elections : 14. Centralization of all seal envelopes is done in
the presence of all the presidents of the polling
7. Opening and closing time of polling stations stations, representatives of parties.
Opening: 7 am
15. Centralization is noted by minutes, signed by
Closing: 4 pm (5 pm when there are more than 2 coordinator and all the polling station presi-
elections taking place the same day) dents.
16. Results of all polling stations are compiled to
*voters in queue before closing are allowed to vote get results of all villages, city districts and final-
(Art 72 Electoral Code)
ly the arrondissement.
8. Counting process 17. Report of these centralized results are record-
1. Counting starts immediately after the closing ed sealed and put in 4 copies.
of the polls.
18. One goes to the Constitutional Court or the Su-
2. The counting of votes is public. preme Court, one to the CENA, one is held by
3. The ballot box is opened and the number of the arrondissement coordinator, and the last
ballots is checked. one is posted on the sites. The coordinator also
gives a copy to all the party agents.
4. If the number is greater than that registered as
handed out, it is noted in the minutes. 19. Centralization of all results has to end 24 hours
after polling day.
5. Members of the polling station count the votes,
assisted by tellers chosen by the president 9. How long does it take to announce voting results
from among the voters present who can read Around 1 month
and write in French.
In 2019 Election day was 28 April 2019 and Final
6. The counting takes place on a single table or results were published 30 May 2019
several assembled tables on which the presi-
dent distributes the folds.
7. The scrutineers unfold the ballots and passess
the unfolded ballots to another scrutineer who
reads the results out load and in front of the
8. The result said outloud is recorded on the
board, and on the counting sheets.
9. In case of two elections, counting is done for
one election, then for the next.
10. Immediately after counting, the results are
made public and displayed at the polling sta-
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