Page 177 - Conducting Elections during COVID-19
P. 177
1. Collaboration: key to handle complexity
In the absence of established protocols and wide preventive measures in
place countrywide, we encouraged the Electoral Office to work closely
with the COVID-19 Taskforce. They established a direct contact with WHO
functionaries linked with the Ministry of Health. This ensured a continuous
dialogue between the EMB and the government health authorities along
with transfer of scientific and up to date information. VEEP also liaised
with United Nations Children’s Fund and the Water Resource Department
to provide support in installing hand-washing stations at the 352 polling
stations and procuring hand sanitizers for all polling kits. Being in
continuous consultation with various national authorities helped identify
potential risks and develop measures to mitigate them.
2. Activating local networks critical for procuring PPE and
producing sanitizers
In the absence of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), election authorities
reached out to medical clinics to buy their excess stock of masks and
gloves. One medical clinic had spare supplies and donated it. They also
recommended reaching out to hardware stores to purchase glasses
that were provided to Electoral Officers and electoral commissioners to
prevent rubbing of eyes. With increased demand of sanitizers and minimal
stock available in Port Vila, the best way forward was to produce their own
disinfectant. A local rum distillery was contacted for using their alcohol
solution. Using a WHO-prescribed recipe for local production, sanitizers
were made and packaged in containers which was finally distributed via
dispensers bought off the local market. None of this would have been
possible if election authorities hadn’t reached out to local stakeholders
for their support.
3. Building clear protocols crucial for handling electoral
As quarantine was declared in Futuna and Tanna islands, proper handling
of the electoral materials retrieved from those areas was necessary. In
tandem with the Task Force, a protocol was quickly established. Sealed
ballot boxes were received by the maritime police officers using gloves
and masks. They were stored in a separate area of the patrol boat and
shipped to the capital. On arrival, the boxes were sanitized. Finally, they
were sent to the Electoral Commission and handled with PPE by the
operators. This protocol was recognised by the COVID-19 Task Force
and implemented with clear instructions shared with variety of actors
(electoral officers, police officer, and medical teams). Such protocols
formed the spine of the entire operations.
4. Disseminating best practice through all/multiple
Keeping good distance of two meters between people was repeatedly enforced at all locations as well
as through media channels. There were radio announcements, bulk SMS texts and clear instructions
that went out from the Electoral Office to all presiding officers prior to Election Day.
5. Willingness to do things differently
International observers are a key to a fair election. As the arrival of international observers (regional
organizations and MPs from Australia and New Zealand were accredited to observe) was cancelled last
minute, the electoral authorities encouraged in-country diplomatic missions to observe the election.
UNDP supported accreditation for the diplomatic personnel and developed a detailed observer briefing.
Announcement of results was done during a state of emergency. As gatherings of more than five
persons were forbidden, the verification of results was live streamed on the national TV channel and
Vanuatu Electoral Office’s Facebook page. For the first time, the general public watched the work of
the Electoral Commission enhancing the transparency of the process.
While these practices felt new and risky, they were also the need of the hour and added incredible value
through leveraging local resources and support. As Niue went into election in May, and Palau followed,
these lessons were more important than ever.